Thursday, May 29, 2008

Live Search - Now Better

Microsoft has just updated the Live search for all, adding features to serve you a better experience. These newly added features are not only cool, but makes sure at you stick to live search for your search process. However it all depends on search results, but this time it fascinated me, with Google no way near it. Here is a quick look at what Microsoft has added to their package


* Image Search which now includes the size of images you want to see on page and an infinite scroll which will let you see even the last search results without going on to the next page. Apart from that, to enlarge an image, you need not to click it, just hover onto it and you will see its full size.
* Like Google, Live has also started the Translator services. However the services is not opened to Indian languages, but it looks looks to be a good start for them.
* Video Search which has a stunning feature where you need not to download, or open a new page to see a video, You just need to place your mouse over the video, and the video will start playing. Cool, Never thought this would come from Microsoft ;) .
* Maps and directions, which have been made somewhat similar to that of Google. You can search for any city, and Directions “From” and “To” that place, but the local business is still confined to US.

More about these services has been informed here.

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