Thursday, May 29, 2008

Graphita - Add great effect to your pictures

There are many tools available which can add some good effects to your images, but most of them either add graphics, text or some other service. What if an online tool provides you all these, and beyond that much more then you can even think of.

Graphita Live Studio , provides you all this, that too FREE of cost. You can add cool graphics, different brushes, text captions and more. Each and every object that you add, can be modified upto some extent. If you are a registered user (Free registration) you get some more graphics to work with. One of the best features I liked is that one can upload images directly via Flickr.
This is a nice tool to play around, but does its work neatly
Its not a PhotoShop replacement, but it is much closer to what work it does, what else you want from a free service guys ;) .

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