Friday, August 15, 2008

7 Short Tips on Word 07

These days I am busy with my Summer project, and I must say that, i might not be able to learn the Technical part of my studies, but I have learned quite a lot about Word 2007 which I use to create and generate reports. Here is a quick look at my 7 tips which I have started using them recently more often.

1. Changing page orientation :- In Word’s default settings, the width of pages is shorter than the length. To change this, Go to Page Setup –> Orientation, select the Landscape icon. You are done. You can even have Customized size from the Size box.
2. Printing selected portions of document :- Sometimes you would like to print certain portions of a document. To do this, first select the portion of the document you want a print out of. Go to the Office button –> Print. In the dialog box, check the Selection box. You can also define the Page range.
3. Applying Subscripts and Superscripts :- To apply Subscript formatting to text in a Word document, press Control + Equal Sign. To apply Superscript formatting, press Control + Shift + Plus Sign.
4. Checking the Thesaurus :- Sometimes while writing your document, you need a synonym for a word, and might have no time to log on to the Internet. Word has its own built-in thesaurus. To access it, select the word for which you need a synonym and press Shift-F7.
5. Changing the case of letters :- One of the annoying things that happen to me is that I press the Caps Lock key by mistake, and not even realize it. The result is that words that need to be in lower case end up capitalized or vice versa. To fix this, select the text and press Shift + F3 to change the case of the words. This is a toggle key that will allow you to choose between block capitals, title case and sentence case.
6. Return Font to Default format :- You are working on a document in a particular font. You use Bold or Italics, etc to change the format for a word or a phrase. Now to get back to the default font format you were working with, press Ctrl and the Spacebar together.
7. Moving paragraphs Up or Down :- To move a paragraph up in a Word file, select the paragraph and press Alt + Shift+ Up arrow. To move a paragraph down, select it, press Alt + Shift + Down arrow.

Hope these may be helpful for you in future. I have some tips on Powerpoint as well, so Stay Glued

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